Friday, January 21, 2011

Quick Note: Online Doujin Viewing

Ossu! Just a little tid bit here:  As much as I prefer people to download our releases off our mediafire page, there are other alternates avaible.  At the begining of our translation career, we just had our releases hosted on Fakku and threads on But then we created this blog to have a spot where people could find our past works and little inside info on our translation process.  But, at least for now, this is just for posting updates and not for viewing the translations online.  For that, you have some options:

Just finished uploading all our translations to E-Hentai, so give it a look-see.  Just like Fakku, they have a ton of great titles there.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wolf and the Rutting Season - Wolf and Spice (English)

Now I'm really excited about this release.  Why? Two reasons.  Number 1, this is a Wolf and Spice doujin.  Number 2, this is another from the collection of Wolf and Spice doujins by the author Ikuta Takanon.  I'm kind of a big fan of his art style (sheepishly glances at my stack of his works).  It's a great mixture of cute and sexy, which is hard to find a balance of these days.  Anyhoo enjoy this release, the first of Takanon's Wolf and Spice run.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Status Update: Wolf and the Rutting Season

Oh hey there, so our release schedule is going to be slightly different.  Turns out Charioteer just finished the translation for this number, so it gets priority over my side project lol.  Here's a sneak peak, expect it soon!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Status Update: ciaociao's Godlike Living (The World God Only Knows)

So you thought we were group that solely did Eva doujins?  Mwahahaha you were sadly mistaken!  Truth is we tend to do doujins from favorite series that Charioteer and I share.  Case in point, we really like TWGOK.  A lot.  So, to break out of our Eva spree I figured we go with this one.  2 main reasons: I like the art, and it's C79 doujin.  Kinda wanted to do something current, so if I seem like I'm jumping on the bandwagon....I guess I am heheh.  Almost done with the Japanese script, next comes the translation.  Expect it soonish!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Joint Release with Team Vanilla: Zannen desu!! Airi-san

Hay, you know what's great?  Joint projects with other groups that's what!  Right here is a original work story about a guy and his cousin, and well you know how that's going to end. >_<